Sunday, 15 March 2009

System Performance Mar 9th to Mar 15th

From a loss last week of 49 points there is a profit just shy of 100 to report. 93.11 the actual total is a fantastic result for the week and the systems have posted a yearly high of 310 points this afternoon before falling back to 290 by the day's end.

In monetary terms at the now familiar £25 per point I'm happy to note that +£2,327.75 for the week brings the year to date total back up over £5,000 to +£7,263.50. Yum! Another week like that next week (hope) and the staking will change from £25 to £50 but more on that if it happens.

I'm just writing my "Tipster Analysis" articles. Getting all the spreadsheet calculations to a logical conclusion has been a difficult and quite laborious process but I'm pleased to have completed the task and can commence the articles ready for publication. Ciao for now and as ever stay lucky!

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