Monday, 9 March 2009

System Performance March 2nd to Mar 8th

In a week that promised so much and delivered so little the week from hell was the overall result. Writing about huge losses is not an easy thing to do let alone to admit to. I guess the only consolation prize is that the highest historical loss was never in danger of being breached which gives some kind of shaky confidence that this is a normal situation.

Just one winner from 97 qualifiers since Tuesday showed an 86 point loss. Luckily Monday boasted a good profit which reduced the weeks losses to 49 points. In monetary terms using a £10,000 bank and £25 per point a loss of -£1.212 on the week reduces the yearly profit to a still very respectable +£4,935.50.

Looking elsewhere it seems that the system's poor performance for 2009 is not just an isolated event. Over on JP's blog the tipster portfolio he follows is having a tough time of it too.

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