Monday, 30 March 2009

Two Days In A Row!

Come on! Another 33/1 winner @ 60/1 on betfair gives the start of the week a big bang and the month a decent ending (almost). With one day to go a 112 point profit looks like investment eye candy right now. One more day won't ruin things will it? Another high was also reached today, 345 points since the beginning of the year. What a difference 2 days can make.


Will2403 said...

Congrats on the fantastic results over the last couple days! Looks like you've come up with a cracking system.

Good luck with it.

The Market Examiner said...

Blimey you must be absolutely raking it in with all these massive wins your getting. Well done! Can't believe I'm looking at these selections without actually jumping on board yet.

Are you finding your making a load of cash in reality or is it just on paper at present?

Either way it's a fantastic set of results!

Also is there any concern that by posting up your selections here you'll eventually affect the price to a point where it won't be as profitable in the future?

Well done anyway really pleased for you :)

Drew said...

Cheers mate, you ain't doin so bad yerself! Sometimes higher turnover = more profit I guess!

I've almost quadrupled my bank since starting and I doubt if prices will be affected.