Monday, 6 April 2009

Bingo, Bango, Bongo

Hmm another good start to the week. Over 20 points profit and another £500 towards that magic £10k! Twas a good day on the premium service too! Don't forget to secure your free trial by signing up here


Anonymous said...

Hi James,

I joined you're trial yesterday, hopefully you will do as well as you are doing on the Kdab thread on you know where. Aslo I wanted to ask a favour, I'm a member of a forum that has just started up and the Site owner would like to proof your selections on the site. Obviously he does not want to do this without your permission. Just to add the forum is being kept quiet about at the moment so you're selections would not be broadbast to the world. Anyway Let me know what you think and I can send you the Site owner's contact details.



Anonymous said...

I notice you got in contact with the Forum Site Owner. Cheers for doing that.


Drew said...

Hey no worries! Glad to be of service.